Render Time Sucks
As a professional video editor, the one thing that all of us editors hate is render time! It is basically the point in your project when you have to tell the computer to write all the effects and such, so you can watch what you have edited. It is during this time that I personally either stare at a computer screen watching my stuff slowly render (I have had render times well into 3-9 hours) or walk around my office looking for candy to eat. Which brings me to my second topic...exercise and dieting. I am supposed to be doing both, but will I, probably not, because my stomach's will is greater than my head's. Also, I wish real life had a render time, because unlike in editing, the time to gather your thoughts together would come in handy. Say, if your wife says something that you might say something smart to, but thanks to render time, you would have to wait for what she said to process in your brain, and then you could speak and not sound like a moron. I guess guys need this more than women, although, I have known a lot of women that were missing their head-to-mouth filter.